Against a mesmerizing backdrop of an animated painting-in-process by artist Jackie Kazarian, this dance expresses the nature of water as a force of destruction that reshapes landscape and habitat. Taking images and stories related to Hurricane Katrina of 2005 and the Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004, Overflow considers the response of bodies to a larger, massive force - actively through rescue or isolated as when the body is being overwhelmed. The guiding metaphors are water as agent that can re-configure narrative on a molecular, geographic, and emotional level.
Carrie Hanson
Richard Woodbury
Video Animation:
Jackie Kazarian
Costume Design:
Abigail Glaum-Lathbury
Lighting Design:
Margaret Nelson
Christina Gonzalez-Gillett
Jen Grisham
Amanda McAlister
Jonathan Meyer
Bruce Ortiz
Cara Sabin